Our last snowfall of the season happened a couple of weeks ago. It was the perfect snow. Really pretty, but not deep enough to have to shovel, and the kids still went to school.
I have still been in a big funk about Donald Trump, plantar fasciitis, and now our local school board (who elected these people??!!). But trying really hard to have perspective and focus on the positive. I'm doing my part by voting and wearing my stupid boot and sending emails to the school board, so I feel good about those things, even if they don't seem to have much impact.
There have been some things lately that have gone well.
The girls had a really fun cookie booth at a local brewery, which beat the heck out of standing out in front of the Giant in the cold. The bartender/brewer came up with beer and cookie pairings, the girls sold a ton of cookies, and I got to eat the best barbeque I've had in a long time.
Meanwhile, Kev brewed his own beer here at home, which should be ready iin a week or two.
Girls on the Run has started, and Daphne seems to be enjoying it. The 5K is May 15, and I am hoping to be ready if my feet are better by then. Did I mention how much I hate not being able to run? I hate it. Especially now that the weather is nice. I know it would improve my state of mind.
Cookie season is winding down, and now all that's left to do is collect the last bit of money, choose an activity to spend it on, and deliver cookies to our Gift of Caring donation recipient, Special Love. The girls had a goal of getting 250 boxes donated for them, and ended up selling 270, which is awesome. These cookies will be distributed to families affected by pediatric cancer. The girls really worked hard telling people about Special Love and asking for donations, and the community really responded well. So that's a good thing. Focus on the good things.
Plus, one day last week, Daphne gave me this medal. Kev got one, too.
So, I guess not everything is doom and gloom.
In fact, next week, I get to go see my family, see my childhood best friend who I haven't seen in over 30 years, and meet a cousin I never knew I had until about a month ago. Good times. Focus on the good.
Tales from Indiana coming soon.