Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday at Last

Even though I don't work very much, I have had a weirdly busy week. But now it's Friday and the house is pretty much clean and the weekend is upon us. I anticipate fun this weekend, which will start when Kev gets home because we are going to Daddy Jack's and I am going to have their lobster bisque which was described on the internet restaurant review as "velvety."
Tomorrow morning, I am off to Paris with Julie for an overnight visit to Casa Whitney. We are going to grill chicken and watch movies and do arts and crafts, and there is talk of driving to Cooper for Chiggerfest 2005, but it may be too hot. The main reason Whitney wants to go is so she can have a t-shirt that says Chiggerfest, and who can blame her for that?
Speaking of Whitney, she was nice enough to visit the bee-keeping supply headquarters in Paris and had them send me a catalog. I can now order a bee suit if I so desire. I think the whole bee-keeping thing is pretty complicated judging from all the various supplies you need to have in order to do it. Perhaps it isn't the hobby for me.
I will miss Kev this weekend, but I think he will enjoy some quiet time around the house. I think he is still recovering from going to the fair last weekend. I felt sorry for him because his feet hurt so bad and his car got pooped on, so I told him I'd go to Guitar Center with him sometime if he wants me to. Sometimes when the Rush Dude is at it, it is like we LIVE at Guitar Center. Maybe he'll take the weekend off from practicing his 3-song repertoire. No more sign of the cops, so I don't know what that was all about yesterday.
Well, have a good weekend, everybody. Tales of Paris coming soon...


marty said...

what is chiggerfest....I want a shirt too! and yes bee keeping is expensive...

Tara said...

Not sure what Chiggerfest is, but I hear they have sausage-on-a-stick. I hope that they do NOT have chiggers. You can be sure there will be a Chiggerfest blog if we go.

whitneydonkey said...

there are big turkey legs too
and that omnipresent big slide!!!

Julie said...

I am excited about Chiggerfest and hope there are some fun arts and crafts to look at. We will see!!! and I am totally excited about the SLIDE!!!!!

Gye Greene said...

Bee keeping suit: Depending on the price, you could always pick one up for mosquito season. Then you could garden in the evening! :)
