Well, our Peanut (aka Daphne Claire) finally arrived on Monday June 5 at 1:25 in the afternoon. She is doing great, I am recovering nicely, and Kev and I are very proud and tired parents. The whole process was a great experience, and not anywhere near as scary as I thought it would be. The first picture is from Tuesday, when we brought her home, and the second one is from Thursday, when she was all dressed up in her Uncle Jeff outfit, and getting ready for Game One with her Mavs pacifier. As you all know by now, the Mavs won Game One, so all in all, I'd say it's been a pretty great week. Time to go enjoy a rare opportunity to nap. More soon!
she is great. julie says she has a good set of lungs!
where can I get an Uncle Jeff t-shirt for me?
Tara, Your mother directed me to your blog. I just wanted to let you know that Daphne is absolutely adorable. I'm so glad she's enjoying her Mavericks gear! Congrats! She looks so happy.
Stacy U.
WHAT A GORGEOUS BABY GIRL!! I am in love with her already- can't wait for the many days ahead to play and get to know that sweet Daphne!
Go Mavs!
Parenthood starts out great, and its just gets better and better. IMO. ;)
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