Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I am Cool

Because I have an IPOD. LarryFeathers gave it to us for Christmas. So far, it has 24 songs on it. The first song I put on it I bought from iTunes. It was Eminence Front by the Who because it is a great song that always makes me feel happy and motivated. I didn't want the whole the Who album that it comes on, so it is good that you can just buy one song. Today, I listened to the iPod in the car because LF also gave me a thing for my tape deck that you can use with iPods. It sure was better than listening to the crud they play on the radio. (My car does not have a cd player).

PS. I don't really think I'm cool. But my iPod is.


Gye Greene said...

Truly cool people don't realize that they're cool. That's the essence of their coolness.

Like Linus, from Peanuts. ;)


whitneydonkey said...

Is your listening thing a dog or a cat??? cause thats cool.

Tara said...

I don't know what dog and cat thing you are talking ipod is black and my earphones are white. but i don't use them because i hate sticking things in my ears.