Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Hands up if you know what this is.


chickpchick said...

Oh, Oh...I know!
It is to convert a record with a large circular circumference for the center opening to a record player that just has a center pin. It basically keeps the record in place while on the turntable. I have one for my Victrolla.
Do I win a prize?

Tara said...

Kim you are right, it's a 45rpm record adapter, and yes, I will send you a prize. But it wasn't so much a contest as me just wondering if people know what that thing is. I thought it would make a cool t-shirt, but Kev said nobody would know what it is. My mom knew what it was too, but she had to email me because she doesn't know how to comment on blogs. If she figures that out, she can have a prize as well.

Gye Greene said...

I knew what it was, too.

But my ''joke guess'' would have been "safety ninja stars''.


Paper Dolls For Boys said...

oh I know what that is!!! It's a symbol the cool kids wear on their shirts down in Harvard Square! :) Tracey