Friday, January 25, 2008

The Dream Yeller

My morning started with this dream:

I was at the hospital, and I had a new baby girl. Everyone was so happy! A sister for Daphne! Yay! Madonna was there...she was the nurse. So after the new baby was born, they wheeled me off to recovery, and when I came back, I learned that Kev and Madonna had decided to surprise me and they named the baby "Suki Robert."

Suki Robert!?!


Kooky Suki.

Oh, I was so mad. There was lots and lots of subsequent screaming and yelling. Then I woke up and I was all tense.

I'm always yelling at people in my dreams. Ask Kev. I never yell at people in real life. Maybe I should start. Then maybe I'd have more nice relaxing dreams about baby ducks or being at sea or eating cheese grits.

Anyway, then, I got up and took a freezing cold shower. We just got a brand new water heater about two weeks ago, but I guess it is no match for a 34 degree morning. Maybe I should call up the water heater guy and yell at him.

Yeah, right. Maybe in my dreams.


K. said...

Hey, I like that name. Thanks Dream Madonna!

Julie said...

hahaha- that is hilarious- and you should yell- we will do some yelling therapy- it is good for the soul- look forward to our playdate with the girls tomorrow!

Kathy said...

I have a male friend who was a lot like you. Never yelled at anyone about anything. But it made his face red all the time ... sort of like he might explode. So he ended up putting one of his old baseball bats out in the back yard next to one of his trees and, when motivated, he would just go beat the hell out of that tree.

I'm pretty sure that right before he started doing that, he told me about some dream he had about his wife having a baby and her naming the baby Suki Robert.

Gye Greene said...


Entertaining blog entry! :)

THE Madonna -- like, "Material Girl" Madonna? Nifty!

Hot water heater: how far away is the hot water tank from the shower? If it's too far away -- and the pipes run under the house -- most of the heat dissapates before it gets to ya.

Try wrapping the pipes in that foam "wrap yer pipes" wrap?
