Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Coffe Shop Take-Over

People who walked into Shoes last night were probably surprised to see about 20 people sitting there with sewing machines, working busily away on Infinity Scarves.  Nicole from the Finch (the sewing place downtown) and Lori from Shoes (a coffee shop downtown) teamed up to host a night of sewing.  It was really really fun.  I'm not sure I am an Infinity Scarf person, but we'll see.  It was fun to make, easy, and would make a great gift for people who ARE Infinity Scarf people.

These are both places within walking distance of my house.  I swear if they turn Safeway into a Trader Joe's, I'll almost never have to use my car again.

I have been thinking about our beer, sitting there in its giant plastic container in Maryland, getting all happy.  Beer-making is not for people who like instant gratification.  (Those people should make Infinity Scarves!).  Three weeks is a long time to wait to see how the beer is doing, and then we just bottle it.  It will probably need another month or so after that before it's really ready to drink.  Maybe we'll give it out for Halloween!  Come to our house for the best treats!  Beers and Infinity Scarves for all!

We need a name for our beer.  I was thinking "Mind Palace Leffe," which is in reference to a really funny line from the Masterpiece "Sherlock" series, which is genius and everyone should watch it as soon as possible. Other possibilities, "Christmas in September Leffe," "Catoctin Leffe,"  "LRHS Leffe," "Infinity Leffe," (just kidding)...please feel free to submit a suggestion.  I think I'm sticking with Mind Palace, though.

Speaking of Halloween and Sherlock, I think Daphne has settled on being a detective this year.  I have to admit I am a little disappointed that she didn't choose Veruca Salt, but the good news is I don't have to sew anything costume-y.  This one is easy, and we already have all the stuff.  Sherlock Holt!

OK...things to do and dresses to finish.  National Sewing Month rules!


Gye Greene said...

Technically, Daphne from Scooby-Do is a detective... ;)


Gye Greene said...

Technically, Daphne from Scooby-Do is a detective... ;)
