Sunday, August 03, 2008

Weekend of Firsts (or WALL-E-HO!)

Once everyone stopped being sick, we had chicken soup. Go figure.

It was really good. Kevin made the dumplings. I always mess them up. But now I know the secret, so next time I will make them and they will rule!

Daphne has been really good lately. We decided to treat her to her first movie in a theater on Saturday, so we went to the 11:30 matinee showing of Wall-E at the great Inwood theater, which has changed me forever. Now, no other movie theater will do. The Inwood has big giant comfy couches with ottomans, so we sat in a couch-built-for-three with the Peanut anchored securely between us. She had her own little bag of popcorn, her juice cup, and PSB (Pink Soft Blankie), and she was ready. For about the first 45 minutes, she was completely mesmerized, probably by the sheer hugeness of it all. It was more fun watching her than the movie. Her eyes were glued to the screen, and now and then her little hand would sloooowly make its way into the popcorn bag and then to her mouth. It was so dang cute...she was like a little adult sitting there. Unfortunately, the movie was WAY over her head. There were no cute forest creatures or catchy songs. It wasn't very colorful. There was hardly any dialogue. So after the novelty wore off, the squirming began. Squirming isn't so bad, though, when you have a whole giant couch to squirm upon, so we made it through the whole movie without having to leave. The biggest problem now is gonna be taking her to a regular old theater. With chairs. We've set the bar too high.

Today we made Daphne her first root beer float. She loved it. She spent about three minutes drinking it, and then about ten minutes trying to summon every last molecule from the bottom and sides of the cup. I thought she'd cry when we finally took the cup away, but she was OK.

She got a root beer float because she ate all of her shrimp and "spaGARagus." I love my kid.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be 107. It is just not right.

Also, tomorrow I begin my last week of being in my 30's. Which is also just not right. I am not old enough to be 40.

Anyway, Kev got a wireless router thing, so I should be able to blog more blogs than I have been blogging lately.

Time to shut down for now...


Gye Greene said...

Glad you guys kicked the disease.

Kids are great -- esp. one's own. :)

The sofas 'n' beanbags thing in the movie theatre is a BRILLIANT idea!!! A innovative response to theatres losing business to DVD rentals.

Root beer floats are great! One of the few U.S. things that I can't get here: root beer.


Bleach said...

Glad you aren't illin anymore. Me, however am always chillin and illin 4 -real. That movie theatre looks freakin awesome. I wish we had something similar here. You will have to take me when I visit. Is it much more expensive than regular movies?

fooiemcgoo said...

I saw that movie theater and almost flipped out.

please bring your texas-style movie theater to Indiana.

fooiemcgoo said...

will you share how to make dumplings, either here or in email.

I'd like to know how to cook more food. Please share anything else, if you have time.
