Friday, December 28, 2012

All Quiet

At about 9:00pm on December 25, I could swear that outside I heard a gigantic collective sigh of relief as people across the country put their kids to bed after Christmas finally came.  At our house at least, there was a lot of build-up and prep-work and general riding the hamster wheel for the last month or so, all leading up to The Big Day.  And I have to say, it was pretty much all worth it.

Kev is at work, and Daphne is across the street playing with a friend.  It is quiet.  I have a lot to catch up on, but I think since I just have a few minutes, I'll recap the second half of the bags.

13.  Triangle Game (a Christmas version of the one with the golf tees that is always on the tables at Cracker Barrel.
14.  Christmas Charades.  Always a favorite.

15.  Choose a toy to donate to Toys for Tots.
16.  Go to Manassas to bake Christmas cookies.

17.  Make-an-Ornament kit from Michael's.
18.  Make cards for the Specials teachers.
19.  A box of Bumble cookies.
20.  "Try something new."  (Pop Rocks)

21.  Open a little gift (a set of Little Golden Christmas books)
22.  New York City scavenger hunt.

23.  Hot Chocolate

24.  Read The Night Before Christmas, feed the reindeer, get Santa's cookies ready, and go to bed!

Lots of fun.  So much more to write...New York City, Project Elf, snow!,Christmas Day, Kev's birthday, arts and crafts, marshmallow-making...but I will have to catch up as I get some time.  As Professor Hinkle says, "Busy! Busy! Busy!"  I hope you all had a great Christmas.

1 comment:

jilly donuts said...

The last picture, of Kevin and D in your front yard, looks like a movie set. As always, I love your pictures. Those marshmallows look divine :-)