Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sick Day

Sick Day 1
Originally uploaded by Tara H.
Daphne and Kev are both sick. Daphne is starting to get better, so she's kinda having fun with her Sick Day today. I got out this hamper, and so far, it has been a pool, bathtub, car, washing machine, cage, and, in this picture, a beach chair. I don't know why we bother buying her toys when she can have this much fun with a hamper.

Kev, on the other hand, is NOT having fun. He is in bed. I will not take a picture of him. A sick Kev is not a pretty Kev.


Gye Greene said...

Little kids and cardboard boxes... :)


Julie said...

hello- she is not sick anymore! :)