Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fall Down Fallout

Now my back is starting to hurt, and for a while this morning, I couldn't remember how old I am.


K. said...

Here's a hint: both the sum and the difference of the digits in your age are prime numbers.

Don't feel bad, most days I can't remember my age either.


Julie said...

Now that is funny. how did you remember? did you look at your drivers license?

Gye Greene said...

The problem with trying to remember your age is that -- dangnabit! -- it keeps changing every year.


fooiemcgoo said...

would that make you 32? or 38? 34?

Tara said...

Unfortunately, it is the worst of the three. Yesterday when I was injured, I was thinking I was still only 37, but I was wrong. Maybe if I keep falling down, I can get back into my 20's.