Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Palo Pinto Kitchen Disaster Causes Panic, Ends Happily, Then Causes More Panic

Last night I decided to continue my effort at trying new recipes, and attempted this one for potato-chip crusted chicken. As I was putting the chicken in the pre-heated 450 degree oven, my hand slipped and all the chickens slid off the cookie sheet and onto the oven rack. Potato chip crumbs were everywhere, the oven started smoking, the fire alarm went off, and I ran around in circles like Robot from Lost in Space, crying "Danger! Danger!". What a mess. Dinner was ruined, the yummy Indian food smell was replaced by charred potato chip and smoke smell, my recently cleaned oven was no longer clean, and I got made fun of for crying, "Danger! Danger!".

So, we went to Gloria's and had a much better dinner. Everyone went to bed fat and happy.

Today, I debated about re-self-cleaning the oven. Mysterious comments from my cousin Brad made me concerned. But, since I needed to use the oven tonight, I decided to do it. Guess what. Just minutes ago, the house filled with smoke, and the smoke alarm went off and I saw a small flame in the oven. So, I turned on the vent, opened a window, and shut off the oven cleaner. And this time, I thought, "Danger! Danger!", but I did not cry it out, because I didn't want to wake Daphne unless we needed to run from the burning house.

The flaming stopped and the fire alarm stopped, and miraculously, Daphne slept through it all.

Maybe I better not be the one to teach Daphne to cook after all.


Julie said...

Oh my- this is why I don't cook much- or a good reason to use anyway- :)

Bleach said...

Your averaging 3 blogs every 11 minutes!

Melissa Jo said...

you see, this is exactly the reason i never cook either! :) there can be danger in the kitchen...and more importantly when i cook in the kitchen! i'm glad no one was hurt (thanks to your warning cry, i'm sure!)! this post really made me laugh!
i need to visit your blog more often! i love it!