Monday, February 04, 2008

Weekend Update

So, I told you I was going to make this recipe. And I did. On Friday when I was at my parents' house, I made this cake, which is cakey on top and hot-fudgey on bottom.

Here it is with some ice cream. Looks pretty good, huh? To be quite honest, it wasn't that great. It needed something. More salt for sure, and maybe some vanilla. Plus, I had to use 1% milk, and I think whole milk would have been better. Anyway, I probably won't make it again anytime soon. But it was fun, and it wasn't bad. I think there is a similar recipe in my chocolate cookbook, so I will compare and contrast sometime in the near future.

The Peanut was sick on Friday and Saturday, but she was feeling better on Sunday so we went to the Arboretum. Not a lot going on there at the moment. Mostly pansies. But it was nice to get outside, and Daphne had a blast running and running and running.

Our Super Bowl Sunday meal was Rogan Josh (below). I LOVE Indian food! All the spices and herbs (above) make the house smell so good. Every once in a while this morning, I have caught a brief whiff of cardamom. Mmmmmm.

We watched the Super Bowl, which is weird. I haven't watched football in years, and don't care a bit about the teams that played yesterday. As usual, I was for the Jets. But since they weren't actually in the game, I found myself cheering for the Giants. Next best thing I guess. I love a good upset anyway. And Tom Petty was so great.
What kind of a name is Plaxico, anyway?
Hope all y'all had a good weekend.


Kathy said...

I made the chocolate recipe thing too and thought it wasn't all that great either. Just ok. Probably needed everything you said plus and egg. Glad Daphne is better!

K. said...

Four out of five dentists recommend Plaxico over the leading brand.

Gye Greene said...

I lova the Indian food as well. Sadly, The Lady is indifferent to it (although she lets me order it every once in a while, anyhow). :)
