Monday, August 21, 2006

At the Movies! with the LRHS

So, here I sit, under a cloud of guilt, blogging. Daphne is taking a nap, so shouldn't I be taking a nap too? Or if not, shouldn't I be doing some sort of chore? But, I already took a nap today, and I already did some chores, so now I going to do something fun. Besides, yesterday I received a comlpaint that my blog just isn't what it used to be, what with all the baby pictures, and no talk of birds or troublesome neighbors or other such things. So, here goes:

Last week, I left the house a total of two times.* Once on Monday to go to the grocery store, and once on Friday to go to Target. I am not going to count taking out the trash or getting the mail. August is just not condusive to field trips, especially with an 11 week old baby. We are now on our 34th day at temperatures in the triple digits. (Last night at 10, it was still 96 degrees, and it was 86 at 5 this morning). The air pollution is at level orange. And on top of all that, there has been a recent West Nile virus death in our zip code. So, I can't even take the Peanut out for a walk. Needless to say, I was a little house-crazy. So my parents came to babysit last night, and Kev and I went to the movies, which is a great place to go because it is cold there, and there is popcorn and rootbeer.

If you like good movies and don't mind some pretty bad swear words, I highly recommend Little Miss Sunshine. It is smart and funny and dark and heartwarming all at the same time. Plus it has the great Steve Carrell in it. I give it 4 out of 5 penguins. Maybe even 4 and a half.

Last time I went to a movie was the night before the Peanut was born. I don't remember the name of it. Something about Cuba with Andy Garcia. It wasn't very good, and it was difficult to follow because the main characters were brothers and they looked alike and I couldn't keep up with who was who (who was whom?). Anyway, that didn't matter, because we left in the middle of the movie due to I started going into labor. Kev says it was the speedbumps on Belmont on the way to the theater. I think the Peanut was protesting such a lame movie. Plus, when I was pregnant, I was diabetic, so I couldn't even enjoy popcorn and rootbeer. So I give the Cuba movie half a penguin and my gratitude for helping get things going with the baby.

After the movie last night, we went to dinner at a mediocre Mediterranean place that just opened nearby. Even though the food was just OK, it was nice not to have to cook, and it was fun being out with Kev, talking about stuff besides spit-up and poop. Speaking of poop, I will blog a birthday/book review blog soon. I can't promise there won't be more baby pictures in between, though.

*I am proud to say that even though I am home all the time sitting around in my house pants, I have not watched one single minute of Oprah or Dr. Phil.


whitneydonkey said...

glad you had a nice time out!

Gye Greene said...

Bummer about the preg-related diabetes; I hadn't heard.

Root beer is cool. (no pun intended.) Didn't know theatres had root beer. Can't find it here in Aussie-land.

Good blog entry! But, they all are, so don't worry.
