Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So we made it through the shots. Actually, they weren't so bad. The nurse was great and did them really fast. The bad news is that Daphne had to get a PKU again, which if you don't know is when they stick babies in the heel and draw a bunch of blood for testing. She's already had it done twice, but they had to do it again because the sample got messed up somehow last time. Anyway, it was awful. There is no worse feeling than having your little baby screaming in pain and looking at you wondering how you could let this happen. I cried and cried. I am so glad it's over now. Daphne has since forgiven me, and she played a while and is now taking a nap. And I think the people at the doctor's office felt pretty bad about messing up the last PKU, because they gave me four free cans of Good Start. I just had the ice cream I promised the Peanut, and am feeling slightly better.

On a happier note, Kev and I get to go out Saturday night to dinner and maybe even a movie. What should we see? I don't even know what's playing.

Hello to Brad's friend Fooie. I'm glad you like the pictures. I am also glad that Brad has friends.


Julie said...

I hate that squeeze the heel thing!!! They just scream!!! breaks my heart!!!! I was like- don't you have enough already!!!!! I am glad she is over it and happy- she has totally forgotten by now I am sure. :) I haven't been to a movie since April so i have no idea.

Nathaniel Hieter said...

A night out on the town! Awesome! Make the most of it!


PS: I -finally- got my own account.