Saturday, February 11, 2006

No Computer Blues

Last weekend, Kev and my dad painted the baby's room a lovely shade of light green while I went to Paris to visit Whitney and Co. That is all good. The room looks really nice and I had a great road trip. Paris is exactly the right distance away for takes about two hours to drive up there, and it's a pretty drive with rolling hills and cows and stuff. So I packed up the car with some good CDs, the Peanut, the monkey, and some pizzalicious pringles and had nice drive and a fun time with Whitney and the girls. Anyway, when I got back, the room was all painted and just about ready to start moving baby furniture in. But the drawback is that we had to empty out the room and unhook the computer/modem and it's been unplugged all week and I haven't been able to blog or check email or anything and I am so desparate that it is Saturday afternoon and I drove all the way to Garland to use my parents incredibly slow dial-up beating of a computer today. I am completely dependent on the internet. I have needed it so many times this week. So I hope we can get the computer at home going again soon, but it may require some rewiring in the attic because the DSL only works from the baby's room at the moment. If you have emailed or commented on the blog and gotten no response from me, that is why. Sorry. I'll put photos of the room on here when I can. So long for now.


marty said...

Kim was actually worried... "Tara hasn't blogged in awhile. Think everything is OK?" Glad to hear it was just a computer gliche.

Tara said...

It is nice to be missed! Now, if only I had something to blog about...

K. said...

That excuse won't fly. There is always something to blog about.

For example, I'll bet you were the only person on this planet who spent part of her Sunday evening singing "Rubber Ducky" so her husband could learn it on the ukulele. Or who spent 45 minutes searching the Internet for the mp3 of "We All Live in a Capital I".

We all live in a capital I
In the middle of the desert
In the center of the sky
And all day long we polish on the I
To keep it clean and shiny
So it brightens up the sky


Gye Greene said...

Eh? "Capital I"?

Is this a Sesame Street song?

BTW, you'll be happy to know that they have Sesame Street here in Aussie-land. They even had a "60 Minutes"-ish piece on it last night.
