Friday, February 03, 2006

Toughest Guys Ever

I have just finished reading a great book called "Endurance" about Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic adventure. Kev got this book for Christmas (or maybe his birthday) and after he read it, he immediately wanted to read it again. He said it was "captivating." So I decided to read it after much inner debate. I like a good adventure story, but Kev warned me that many seals, countless penguins, and even dogs and puppies would lose their lives violently in the book, and I wasn't sure I could take it. Finally, I decided to buck up and just read the thing, and I will tell you what, "captivating" is an understatement. Wow! The men in Shackleton's expedition party are truly the toughest people I have ever read or heard about. These guys almost make Lewis and Clark's adventure look like a cakewalk. I would have lasted about three hours with this group. They lasted something like 15 months. The whole time, they were cold, wet, hungry, thirsty, terribly uncomfortable, and in great peril. My most basic need is to feel safe, and these guys couldn't feel safe for months at a time. So, if you are feeling sorry for yourself about your house problems, or your nocturnal hip-joint pains, or the fact that it is bathroom-cleaning day, then reading this book might give you a whole new perspective. You are warm, dry, well-fed, and hopefully not troubled with piles. And you don't ever ever have to eat seal blubber or penguin steak.


goostermon said...

I've seen a documentary or maybe a recreation show about Shackleton and his amazing adventure. It is shocking to me that anyone would even attempt such a thing, knowing what could happen. Everything short of actual death did in fact happen. It makes for good reading, but I think those guys are nuts. Of course, they would think I'm a sissy. Lucky for me, our paths will never cross.

K. said...

What amazes me is how they made it through relatively unscathed. I think maintaining positive morale was a key factor.

Shackleton's men are almost as fearless as the Emperor penguins who live there. These critters are cold, hungry, and in peril for months at a time, year after year. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the penguin is a tough bird.


john clarke said...

I'd recommend picking up the documentary about the Shackleton Adventure at Premeire Video. Sure, the book is better. But the reason you need to see the movie after reading the book is one of the crew members actually had a movie camera and filmed much of what happened up until shortly after the boat was completely locked up in ice. I think there may be a few shots of the boat completely collapsing. It's pretty amazing footage for 1911.

goostermon said...

Where did you go T.? Not like you to be blog-less for a whole week! Miss you.