Friday, April 21, 2006


Today I had to make some copies, so I went on an errand to Kinko's. Here is the conversation I had with the Kinko's dude during the small talk and chit chat portion of our transaction:

Kinko's Dude: (Noticing my belly) How many months are you?

Me: I have six weeks to go.

KD: So you must be starting to diet, then.

Me: No, I don't think I am supposed to diet. I am supposed to eat more.

KD: But in the third trimester, you will get a lot bigger.

Me: Yeah, I guess so.

KD: How many kids do you have?

Me: This is my first.

KD: REALLY???!!!

Me: Yes.

KD: This is only your first?

Me: Yes.

KD: Wow! How old are you?

Me: (Shocked silence)

KD: Sorry.

Me: It's OK. I'm 37.

KD: Wow. It's hard to have a baby once you're past 30.

Me: So, how much for the copies?


Julie said...

Next time ask him - "does it take brains to make copies?"

whitneydonkey said...

It is a little harder to have a baby than make copies at any age, any day. You are strong, you are woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You rule Tara!

Gye Greene said...

Errr... since when are Kinko's employees fertility experts? Is this part of their orientation training?

(The cut-off point is actually 38yo -- and that's an average, so there's variation for each individual woman.)


goostermon said...

Many, many people are unfeeling self-absorbed louts. I know because, looking back, I can see that I myself have been one. I don't think I am one now, but hell - I didn't think I was one when I was.

You can be sure that the unbelievably rude arsehole who spoke to you that way won't be having any babies of his own - with anyone!

You, on the other hand, are a blessing to everyone. Let it roll off your back, sweet-new-soon-to-be mama!