Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Nothing to Blog About

I have nothing to blog about. I am at work. I have had a cancellation, so I am free for the next 30 minutes. Plenty of time for a blog, that is if I had anything to say. I could blog about the builders at my house, but they haven't bothered to show up yet. I am trying to keep from complaining about the trash men, so I've got nothing there. Even the Rush guy has been quiet. Oh, here is one piece of gossip. The girl who moved into the McMansion across the street just had a baby...a boy named "Jensen Drake." I am glad we are having a girl. Boy names are difficult. Uh...I have been playing the melodica a lot lately. I think the Peanut likes it. She is very still while I am playing, but starts kicking me when I stop. She also has been getting hiccups a lot lately. Um...what else? I hope there is a new episode of The Office this week. It has been reruns for a few weeks. Oh yeah, this Sunday, Kev's office is having another party. You may remember the Christmas Party with the Snake guy. This time, the party is at Southfork Ranch (home of TV's Dallas), and the entertainment will be a hypnotist. I am trying to get Kev to volunteer to be hypnotized, but I don't think he will. I think it would be fun, but I don't think I should volunteer in my condition. Well, that's all I've got. Maybe something interesting will happen soon.


Gye Greene said...

Interesting enough!

Thanks for the blog entry: I frequent four people's blogs, and all have been pretty quiet the last few days. Good to have something to read. ;)


Julie said...

Glad you got the melodica story blogged- don't want to forget that for later in Peanut's life when she picks it up and has a super skill in it for some unknown reason. I think K would be a great hyponosis candidate!! Hilarious!!