Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

So, while Daphne and I were hanging out in Texas, Kevin had several days to himself. I am not sure he truly appreciated it. In my opinion, every single minute of rare alone-time should be savored, but I think Kev really missed having us around. I guess we are just THAT fabulous.

He actually got a lot done while we were gone, and I am happy to say he also went out and did some fun stuff around town and didn't spend the whole time cleaning and working. He did take very good care of the peanut plant, which you can see, above, is thriving. Now maybe we can manufacture our own peanut products without worrying about the Evil Peanut Disease that is going around the grocery store circuit. Shoot, I'll be happy if we harvest just one edible peanut. I think that would be cool.

He also managed to complete the recording of a new PPHPHB song! I say "new," but this song has been around for a couple years, waiting to be recorded. Sigh. There are so many songs that are back-logged due to having a baby and moving across the country and so forth. And I think I might have been kicked out of the band for poor participation. Kev thinks I don't want to be in the band, but it's not true. I really do. It's just hard to find the time. I'd really like to play my violin and my guitar again. Maybe someday. Anyway, it's a really good song, and I will give you a link to it, but you have to promise that you won't hold it against the song that it doesn't sound as good as it really is when you listen to it through crappy computer speakers. Figure out some way to put it on your iPod or something so it will sound better. If you want to hear it, go here and click on "The Beautiful People" (I think it's #5). The beautiful people are real people in Dallas who go around town for the sole purpose of being seen. They are very annoying, in a sad sort of way. I hope you like the song. It's all Kev. Maybe I'll be on the next one.

This is where all the magic happens, by the way. Our attic is the new music room. Sometimes we take Daphne up there and try to have family band time. It never lasts very long, but Daphne's getting bigger. Soon she'll be old enough for us to force her to take drum lessons so we can have the rhythm section we've always wanted. Just kidding. I won't force her. I can probably just bribe her with cupcakes.

Anyway, I'm glad Kev got some stuff done while we were gone, and I'm glad he missed us. We missed him, too. (Now, maybe he'll let me back in the band).

1 comment:

Gye Greene said...

EXCELLENT band room!!! For some reason, I was expecting to see a bunch of boxes in a room that size. Is that a window seat, under the window?

Backlogged songs: As (I think) I mentioned to Kev, it's better than the alternative: loads of time, no ideas. :)

D. and Rhyth section: Funny! I'm hoping for the same thing (my odds are a bit better, though: 1 in 3). In ten years, though... :(

Playing drums is a whole different skill set to other instruments. IMO.