Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well, it's been continued non-stop action here at the LRHS HQ. There is no way I can blog it all, so here is a quick catch-up list of the highlights:

  • Two weekends ago, we took a short family road trip to Hershey, PA, and spent the day at a really great amusement park called Dutch Wonderland (thanks to my friend Anne for the tickets!). We all had a great time, and I highly recommend it to families with young kids. There are lots of great toddler rides, and the park is small enough to not be a beating to walk around. There are lots of pictures on Flickr, so head on over if you want to see what it's like. Best thing: I finally got to go on a Fun Slide.
  • Daphne started school, and I have been making the most of my three hour blocks of me-time. Or trying to, anyway. Once I get myself organized, things will really be good. I might even get going on Christmas soon! Daphne loves school. Today, the teacher told me she is a really good listener. Hmmm. We'll see what happens when the novelty wears off. Best thing: school makes Daphne really tired, so naptime is a piece of cake.
  • This past weekend, we went to Long Island for my nephew's birthday/baptism. We had a great time. Daphne had fun playing outside with her cousins, and I had fun eating the southern style food that was in abundance. Holy smoke, that brisket was good! (Get it? Smoke? Heehee). Best thing: we found out that we are going to soon have a new neice or nephew, so we are very excited about that. On the way home, we drove sorta through Brooklyn, but there was no time to mosey around, so I vowed that I'd be back. I want to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Meanwhile, the wheels are in motion for my parents' and Jeff's (and Albert's!) arrival in Northern Virginia. They'll be getting here early next week, which is very exciting, especially since it's all happening much sooner than we thought it would. Hooray for family! And free babysitters!
  • I am continuing to knit when I can. I have so many projects queued up right now that I'll never get to them all, but I am going to try. I have a lot of stash yarn that I need to use. Fabric too. So, I'm planning a couple of sewing projects now that I have these blocks of time. I have decided it's time to conquer my fear of zippers. I'll let you know how it goes.

Phew. OK, I think that's all the major stuff. I will try not to be such a blog slacker in the future. Time to go check "blog a blog" off my to do list. See ya!

1 comment:

Gye Greene said...

Thx for the update.

Have you ever looked at the number of posts per month on your "archive" list (in the R-hand column)? An interesting indicator of one's past busy-ness... :)
