Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall-a-Palooza Two

On Monday, my friend Emily and her cool family came to visit us.   They were in town for a wedding, and extended their stay to hang out with us.  Daphne got to see her two first friends (she and Vi were born 4 days apart), Mister Kevin finally got to see Leesburg, and Emily got to stay an extra four days to hang out with me.
There was pie, there was yarn, there was Project Runway, and there was sitting on the porch.  There was a great dinner out at Clyde's featuring pumpkin ravioli and a waiter named Lorenzo Palooza.  There were knitting lessons, owl-wing-making consultations, the most chaotic Daisy meeting ever, a pumpkin carving party, and at least one of us ended up on TV.

Thank you, Emily, for coming to visit.  Thank you, Mister Kevin, for letting her stay so long.  It was a really really great week.  My friends are awesome.

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