Saturday, April 24, 2010

Long Weekend Part 1

On Thursday, there was building.

On Friday, there was digging.

And planting.

And watering.

And now, there is a garden.
Max the bunny, we like you, but please keep out. And tell your friends.
It's Saturday now, and this morning it rained which is good for new gardens.
Daphne played soccer in the rain and Grandma and Grandpa came to watch.
Now, we've all gone to our separate corners.
Kev is in the attic recording, Daphne is on the couch watching "The Pirates who Don't Do Anything," and I am in the kitchen baking bread, making mushroom barley soup, and listening to the Cocteau Twins. I couldn't be happier with the weekend so far.


Gye Greene said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend. :)

Plz keep us posted on the veggie garden (as I'm sure you will). It's on our "To Do" list, but pragmatically won't happen for a year or so.


Christina said...

What a fun weekend! That's great that Daphne had a chance to help garden! Did you plant a vegetable garden? I have to say (and I don't mean to be negative), but I fear Max and his friends are NOT going to obey your kind request! There are so many bunnies around here (though I've seen less this spring than in past springs - maybe some didn't make it through the winter)!