Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Cheap Plea for Sympathy

Daphne calls this the Horrible Morrible book. I don't really like to read it to her, because it has the word "hate" in it a lot. But it sorta sums up the horrible morrible day I've been having, and I need to vent. Please feel free to skip this post if you just don't wanna hear it.

I had such high hopes for this day. I woke up before the alarm, feeling rested for once. Kev got up before me, and when I went downstairs, it smelled like coffee. Kev made the coffee!!! How can it be a bad day when someone else makes you coffee?! Then, Daphne woke up declaring that she was going to get ready for school all by herself. And she did! In a timely manner, even! And her clothes matched!

I took her to school, where she excitedly helped me distribute the invitations to her birthday party. Then, I had a very enjoyable cup of coffee with one of my mommy friends at Shoes. Not so horrible morrible, huh? But then...

I went to four different stores in search of party supplies, got all A.D.D. and couldn't make any decisions, and ran out of time without buying anything and still needed to go to Wegman's. So, I had to take Daphne with me to the grocery store after school. BAD idea. Daphne is way too tired to have to do an errand after school. BUT, we didn't have any food, so I had no choice. We met some friends for lunch there, and that went OK, but then it was time to shop. First, there was refusal to sit down in the cart. Then there was I WANT THIS and I WANT THAT. Then there were tears about which cashier's line we got in (our friends went through the line with the children's books, which I wanted to avoid because of all the begging for stuff). I forgot to bring my reuseable bags, so I had to use the plastic ones, which are so much more difficult to load. And they gave me TONS of them, because the Wegman's people for some reason will only put 2 or 3 items in each bag. When I got outside, I remembered that the whole trunk area of my car was full of bags of mulch, which by the way is giving me headaches from the smell, so I had to smoosh all the bags of groceries into the seat next to Daphne. Then, when we got home, her backpack was "too heavy" for her to carry into the house, so I had to carry it plus all the groceries. Then, she wanted more minutes to play before nap, and wanted me to help her figure out what to play with while I put away the groceries. There was a huge seriously uncalled-for meltdown with lots of flopping on the floor and trying to block me from opening the fridge to put away the chicken before it spoiled.

Finally, there was lots of apologizing and hugging, and now, a nap. I need to clean, but I just don't have it in me. What I really want is a giant bowl of Ben and Jerry's Ameri-cone Dream, which is practically screaming to me from the freezer. But the positive effect of that would only be temporary. Sigh. It's my fault, really. I pushed my luck and lost. Daphne is a good girl. She really is. Kids will be kids. But MAN! I've had it. Time for a Mommy Nap.

Aaaaah. I feel better now. Thank you, blog, for listening. Any if anyone actually reads this, please feel free to post your sympathy and good cheer in the comments. In the meantime, I'll keep reminding myself, at least there are no lions...there are no lions...there are no lions...


Heather Binkley said...

What a horrible day!!! I am so sorry! We all have days like this, but that doesn't really help much when you're having one of your very own. Take a deep breath, drink a beer (or a glass of wine), and then retire to the bathroom for a hot bath.

Tara said...

Thanks, Heather! Today is a new day!

Gye Greene said...

Vent acknowledged and accepted! :)

Yeah, I hate it when I forget the trunk is already full of other stuff. But, "When I got outside, I remembered that the whole trunk area of my car was full of bags of mulch" is a **funny** line. I laughed.

"Finally, there was lots of apologizing and hugging": Well, that's pretty good.

Backpack too heavy: Hm! Good to know I'm not the only one that runs up against that. (Half the time my daughter dresses herself; the other half her "arms are too tired".)

"At least there are no lions": would make a good t-shirt/bumper sticker.


Tara said...

Thanks GG.

That whole "too tired" thing makes me crazy.

Gye Greene said...

"Too tired": Yeah. And then I'm not quite sure whether to assert my parental dominance and push the issue (and perhaps invoke punishments) -- both of which end up in tears and meltdowns -- or to just dress the kid myself.
