Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I Don't Think I Like Where This is Headed

So, over the weekend, Daphne told my mom that "teenagers brush their OWN hair." She said, "Go relax, Grandma," and then headed into the bathroom where I am told she spent about 30 minutes on this interesting hair-do (or perhaps hair-don't would be more appropriate). Look at that FACE! What an attitude! (Photo by Grandpa)

I am happy to report that my sweet little three-year-old returned yesterday and is still here at the moment. But Teenager Daphne will be back. It's only a matter of time.


Gye Greene said...

It's a good look. Although she needs a tattoo. Or a guitar. ;)


Christina said...

Just make sure there aren't any scissors within reach in your bathroom, otherwise she might come out someday with a totally new do!