Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Inauguration of T

If I was President today, the first thing I would do is call off overly expensive inaugural events and give that money to something more important. Then I would call for a meeting with all the different world leaders to talk about why we need to all get along. Then I would make some kind of a program for poor unemployed people where they are given jobs, but then they have to prove they can be reliable and really want to work or they get kicked out of the program. Then I would get a bunch of scientists to have around the White House to figure out what to do about climate change and other science things. Then I would outlaw Hummers. I would call for mandatory nap time at work. Then I would outlaw talking on cell phones in cars and restaurants. And I would get rid of the death penalty. And then I would make all people caught littering spend 3 months going around cleaning up litter. And then I would concentrate on what to do about the horrible mess the education system is in. And I would get someone smarter than me to figure out all the war issues, because I wouldn't even know where to start. Vote for me!


Robert_M said...

Would it be okay to nap in restaurants?

Tara said...

Well, I guess so, as long as you don't snore loudly or drool.