Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Ode to a Toy

We went to SuperTarget on Saturday, and guess what they had: real Big Wheels! Oh, how I loved the Big Wheel when I was a kid. You could ride it around and make it skid or spin out. So much fun. Others preferred the Green Machine, but not me. Anyway, this Big Wheel at Target was awesome. It is not some re-designed high-tech fake Big Wheel (like the Easy-Bake Microwave - bah!), but the real old skool Big Wheel with the bucket seat and giant black wheel and streamers on the handlebars, just like the original. A toy from a simpler, and in my opinion better, time, when kids did not need light-up shoes and new game systems every year and other such flash. I have put my parents in charge of making sure there is a Big Wheel in my kid's future. I am afraid if we wait to get one when the baby is old enough, the Big Wheel will be gone again.

I remember when I was too big to ride the Big Wheel. My knees started hitting the handlebars, and I tried for a while to ride "knees-out" but it was just too hard to pedal that way. My brother and my cousins could still ride it and I was so sad. Then I got my pogo stick and things improved. But I will tell you it has crossed my mind as an adult on more than one occasion that I wish there were adult-sized Big Wheels so I could take one last ride. Ah, yes.


john clarke said...

Go ahead and pull the trigger on the Big Wheel. Get it now. And while your at Targed, pick up a Mattel Electronic Football game before those are gone too.

Tara said...

I think about $30.

Gye Greene said...

Green machine: Found one by accident here in Brisbane, AU -- possibly in Target. Noticed that
if I slid the seat ALLL the way back, I could ride it fairly comfortably. AND -- it's green! But, no pavement out here, and probably too hard to ride on grass. Rode it around the toy section of the store, though -- much to The Lady's embarassment.

L.E.D. sneakers: If they made them in my size, I'd buy a pair. Also Batman Underoos. But they don't; sadness.
