Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blog Backlog

Dang. I have so much to blog about and so little time. I wanted to blog about my Big Weekend of T-Time Sewing Extravaganza, and our Palo Pinto Easter-versary celebrations, and various Peanuty bits and pieces, but something always gets in the way of my blogging time. I will try to get back to it soon. I am sad to say that nobody else seems to be doing much blogging lately either. Except for Fooie ( ), and you should all go read his latest blogs because they are funny (cuss-word warning).

Here is a quickie from me. Today I took the Peanut for a stroll down to the local antique store, and pictures are my findings: A cool ukulele book for Kev (above), and a stack of pretty vintage fabrics for me (below). Don't know what I'll use them for yet. Something pretty for Daphne I reckon.

I am sad that the great Kurt Vonnegut has passed away. Read his stuff. It is genius.

I have found a new radio station for when I need a break from talk radio. It is The New Movin' 107.5. It plays stuff like Prince and Madonna and cool old hip-hop, and some bad stuff in between. I finally heard the Holla Back Girl song. I didn't really get it. She's going along OK, and then starts spelling banana. She lost me there. Nice beat though.


Tara said...

Oh, I get it I didn't hear the "stuff" part.

fooiemcgoo said...

i too didn't get the bananas part either.

i pretty well like that song, although i wish she would go back to no doubt and make tragic kingdom ii.

thanks for the shout out. homie. I agree with tara that my blog is quite enjoyable. I should go read it.