Thursday, November 08, 2007

Christmas Comes Early

I guess Kev is excited about Christmas too, because he already gave me one of my gifts. He went on Picaboo and made me this cool book with photos of all the arts and crafts projects I've been doing...all the baby dresses I've made the Peanut, all the Mockingbird and Vine stuff, and various other things. I LOVE it. First of all, it's orange. Second of all, it has lots of pictures of Daphne wearing the stuff I've made for her. It makes me happy every time I flip through it. So, thanks, Kev. You always give the best gifts. I'm gonna go look at it again now, and pay attention as if it was a big bowl of cheese grits, because the Peanut is sleeping and I can.


Julie said...

that is cool- I think i am doing that for some family gifts this year too- :)

Gye Greene said...

Cheese grits?

I know hominy grits. (Five? Ten? Yep: ten.) But not cheese grits.

Is this a Texas thing?
