Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Lotta Frittatas

Breakfast for dinner is always a treat for me, and this is what I made last night: Individual Muffin Frittatas, recipe from the Dallas Morning News.

The basic recipe:

1 English Muffin
8 eggs, beaten
2 T milk
1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 and grease 4 (4-inch) ramekins* **
Use a food processor to make the English muffin into crumbs
Beat together the eggs, milk, cheese, and bread crumbs, season with salt and pepper or whatever you want, and divide evenly in ramekins.

Here is the good part: throw in whatever else you want. I used some ham and sauteed mushrooms. You could use sausage, bacon, onions, peppers, spinach, a different kind of cheese, whatever. And if someone in your family doesn't like something, you can leave it out!

Bake about 30 minutes...they will puff up a little and look like the picture.

Very tasty.

* Really butter up those ramekins. My frittatas stuck and it was kind of a mess. I guess you could use Pam. Pam sorta freaks me out though.

** Kev wanted to name our kid Ramekin if it was a boy.

Unrelated to frittatas: Today, after a long winter break, the new sememster of Daphne's music class begins. I can't wait. We've missed it.

1 comment:

Gye Greene said...

Nifty! Sounds like an omlette on an English muffin -- which is oke-dokey!

"Ramekin" **would** be a good boy's name (and/or a hard rock band name). I kinda wanted to name our daughter "Chlorine" -- but, nope.
