Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Pirate Ghost

This afternoon when I got home from working at my parents' house, I came in, checked email, put away some groceries, and other stuff. Then I went into the TV room, and noticed that right in the middle of the floor, there was a paper scary pirate mask that was left-over from a birthday party from 13 months ago. There was no reason for this mask to be in the middle of the TV room floor. I certainly didn't put it there, and I didn't remember seeing it before I left the house this morning. I didn't even know we still had it. So I was a little freaked out. I went to the back of the house to check if there were any bad guys or robbers in the bedroom or the bathroom. I checked to make sure the back door was locked. Then I checked to see if the stereo and tv were gone. Everything seemed just as I left it in the morning, with the exception of the scary pirate mask on the floor. So I called Kev at work and asked if he, by any chance, had been wearing the pirate mask last night and then forgotten to put it away, instead, leaving it on the floor. After all, he was up later than me, and who knows what he was up to. He was quite amused, and eventually, after milking my pirate ghost panic for as long as he could, told me it must have fallen out of one of the music books he'd been using. So, there was no pirate ghost (or bad guys or robbers) after all, and I continued with my Tuesday. The remainder of day has been pretty uneventful.


K. said...

So much for your Dread Pirate (TM) status. I don't think the title should belong to someone who is afraid of there being pirates in the closet.

"Pirates in the Closet" might make a good song title. Aaar.


Gye Greene said...

This was a good blog. Very ''Seinfeld-ian'': I could see Jerry coming home and seeing a pirate mask on the floor, and getting worried about it. Later, he'd ask Kramer, who'd jiggle his head and arms and say ''Maybe it's a pirate GHOST!'' Then he'd come up with some story about how maybe their apartment building could've been built on the site of an old courthouse, where pirates could've been hanged. (New York **is** costal!) Elaine would also do a property search, and discover that indeed, there **had** been a courthouse or jail where Jerry's apartment now is.

But at the end, it would turn out that Jerry had left his window open, and a pigeon had flown in with a mask from the dumpster of the costume shop down the stree.


marty said...

Pretty peculiar. Perusing K.'s perspective pertaining to the pirate presence,plausible perhaps , I peacefully present the possiblity of phenomenalism. Paranormal personages who pilfir & play pirate, possibly procuring peripheral paranoia.

Gye Greene said...

I agree that ''Pirates in the Closet'' might make a good song title. Perhaps even a PPHPHB song?

It could be about gay pirates, and how they were too shy to ''come out'' to their shipmates.


whitneydonkey said...

might be the Flying Dutchman from Spongebob.

Have you seen the Long John Silvers current commercial? They say ARGH!
when we go there, Bob always makes me say ARGH when we order.