Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Tip

Ok, so what's the story with tipping the mail carrier? I mean, if anyone deserves a tip, it's probably the mail carriers of the world. Their job is hard. They have to go out and walk around in the snow and rain, and even worse, the HEAT. And, at least in my neighborhood, they bring the mail all the way up to the porch so we can get our mail with minimal walking. So I wouldn't be opposed to tipping them. But how much? And here's a problem: We have about three or four different carriers that do our route. So I don't know what to do.

And what about the garbage collectors? Do they ever get a holiday tip? Not that I'd tip ours. Ours are terrible. They empty the cans, and then throw the cans all willy-nilly into the yard or the street or wherever they happen to land. People's cans are always getting blown down the street by wind, or run over by cars, all because of these lazy garbage collectors. They take no pride at all in their work. Kev used to want to be a garbage man when he was little. I don't think it was so much about the garbage as it was about the cool big truck. I tell you what, though. If Kev was a garbage man, he'd be about the best garbage man ever. He would take good care of people's cans, and place them back on the curb where he got them. Anyway, if you happen to have good garbage collectors, do you tip them?

Are there others that we are supposed to tip at Christmas?

Do you think Martha Stewart tips her mail carrier?


Gye Greene said...

Tipping yer mail carrier: The whole way thru reading this entry, I was thinking ''Cow tipping. Cow tipping. Cow tipping.'' Your closing line about Martha Stewart tipping her mail carrier was the last ''LOL'' straw: I envisioned some mailman with ankles bound with hand-woven doileys, being shoved sideways by ol' Ms Stewart.

Nifty garbage trucks: The trash compactor portion is particularly cool.

Tipping: If you must tip, I'd suggest doing something un-quantifiable -- like just a nice ''Thank you'' note w/ a box of Cracker Jacks, or some-such. Maybe a copy of the latest PPHPHB CD? (I hear they're collectable, and fetch much dinero on e-bay...)


Robert_M said...

I tip my letter carrier and a few other people that I deal with regularly. Not much just a token mind.

I think it's kinda suave