Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Feelin' Groove-y

In spite of my recent set-backs, there appears to be evidence that I am getting my groove back.
Consider the following:
  • My Christmas shopping is done except for one easy thing I can get tomorrow.
  • Everything for Kev's family has been wrapped and shipped to NY.
  • Everything for my family is wrapped and under the tree.
  • Kev's gifts, which are hidden in an undisclosed location, will be wrapped by this time tomorrow.
  • I made all of my Christmas cards, and have sent out most of them (the rest require Kev's attention).
  • Last night, I cooked a real meal.

So, either I am getting my groove back, or I am just in Hyper-Holiday Mode brought on by the pressure of deadlines. Either way, I am exhausted, and looking forward to coasting through the rest of the Christmas season.

Well, time to try to find some comfortable enough pants to wear to work. I may break out the Full-Panel maternity pants today. I wish I could declare HousePants Day at the office.


marty said...

A sampling from Emperor's New Groove with adaptations...

Kevin: What happened?
Old Man: Well, I threw off the Tara's groove.
Kevin: What?
Old Man: Her groove! The rhythm in which she lives her life. Her pattern of behavior. I threw it off. And she had me thrown out the window.
Kevin: Oh, really? I'm supposed to see her today.
Old Man: Don't throw off her groove!
Kevin: Oh, okay.
Old Man: Bewaaare, the grooove.
Kevin: Hey, are you gonna be all right?
Old Man: Grooove...

Warning: K. Beware of the Groove

K. said...

In my case is more like: Beware the inevitable post-holiday Groove Derailment...


Gye Greene said...

I think pregnant women are deputized with mystical powers that, indeed, **do** allow them to declare it Housepants day at work.

At least for themselves. ;)
