Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The mystery family in the Chrismas photo belongs to the president of Kev's company, so I will cut them a little slack because the company pres probably SHOULD send cards to all the employees/contractors. The company Christmas party is this weekend, and I am nervous because I haven't met any of the people and I am not very good at meeting new people and I can't remember people's names anymore. But there is going to be BBQ, so that's good. Also, there is going to be entertainment, but we don't know what. Kev thinks it is one of the guys from work doing Neil Diamond karaoke. That's fine by me. I just hope it isn't a clown. By the way, creepiest clown ever: Ronald McDonald. Ugh.

Also, I'm glad I went ahead and cooked the beans. They were tasty, and Kev even said Emeril would be proud. You should have seen the Bananas Foster Bread Pudding that Emeril made last night. I have requested it for my next birthday. Emeril needs to get some new catch phrases. His schtick is getting a little tired. In fact, if you were a frat boy, you could probably make up a pretty successful drinking game out of watching that show. Be that as it may, he has some really great recipes, and he's a pretty good teacher. And he is really nice to kids. So that's something.


goostermon said...

I don't watch Emeril much anymore but I watched him A LOT for a long time. I used to really like the shows where it was all firemen or policemen 'cause ain't nobody can cook for a bunch of guys and make cooking look cool better than Emeril.

He's also the only cooking show with happening music going on.

I made a recipe of his last year, stuffed pork chops with cornbread and and Andouille sausage stuffing. It was very popular with the fam.

Tara said...

Oh, man, I bet that was GOOD! I love me some andouille!