Friday, December 09, 2005

Feelin' 7-Up...

Last night we watched Repo Man which I probably haven't seen for about 15 years. Frankly, it doesn't stand the test of time. This oft-quoted sci-fi punk movie was a staple of my college years. But last night, all the quotes that were so funny at the time, seemed really lame. I still laughed, not because it was funny, but becauses it reminded me of my friends that couldn't go a day without saying, "Let's go get sushi and not pay," or "Hi I'm Kevin, vaccuum sir?," or ,"Rodrigez brothers."
So much of the stuff we thought was great back then, probably really wasn't that great at all. But that's OK.

Question: Do the kids today still go around quoting film dialogue? Do they sit around at Denny's saying lines from "Mean Girls" or that Eminem movie?

Feel free to comment with your favorite movie quote. Please no swear words.


goostermon said...

I have a recent favorite ... but I seem to be alone in it. Everytime I tell someone about it they just look at me in that compassionate way people look at mildly retarded people and then they change the subject.

It is in the movie "Sideways" and the lonesome guy is explaining the finer points of wine tasting to the randy groom-to-be .... when he suddenly pauses to inquire incredulously, "Are you chewing gum?!?"

Now, that may only be funny to me - but it put me on the floor.

There, I've layed myself out for public ridicule! But, it's still funny to me!!

On a more universally funny note:
In This is Spinal Tap:
"Yeah, but our amps go to 11."

Robert_M said...

Does too hold up. It's perfect.

You you think they give a d*** about their bills in Russia?!

john clarke said...

Do not besmirch Repo Man.

"Put your food on a plate. You'll enjoy it more."

"John Wayne was a fag." "He was too you boys. I installed one-way mirrors at his place in Brentwood and he came to the door in a dress."

"Nice friends." "Thanks, I made them myself."

"Nobody knows if this is your car or somebody else's car. Just act natural."

Tara said...

There are lots of funny moments in Sideways, and Spinal Tap will always be genius.

All I'm saying about Repo Man is that it isn't really as funny now as it seemed at the time. I still like it for the nostalgia.

Tara said...

Ah, the genius of Napolean Dynamite.

Gye Greene said...

Most of the lines from ''Army of Darkness'' -- including:


''This is my BOOM-stick!!!''

''Come get some.''

''I'm BAD Ash, and you're GOOD Ash...''

Also ''Pee-Wee's Big Adventure''. And some of Yahoo Serious' ''Young Einstein.''
