Friday, May 12, 2006

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters

We have very little roof left. I fear critters may invade. Will be glad when roof work is done.


whitneydonkey said...

any big bugs so far??

call me. I want to find out more about the Bryce visit.

Gye Greene said...

That's a good ''artsy'' shot. Should be in a college catalog, or some brochure. :)


Julie said...

I kinda like the blue roof- any sky lights planned?

john clarke said...

Fear the squirrel. They're all cute and funny until the little jerks decide to take up residence in your attic. It took me four months to get rid them from my house the humane way. Next time --- and I'm hoping there will never be another next time -- humanity goes out the window.