Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Spotting the Bird

Just when you think Dallas is void of any and all natural beauty, along comes the Cedar Ridge Preserve. It has actually been there all along, previously known as the Dallas Nature Center, but we have just never been there. Until Sunday, that is. It was a really nice day, so we decided to go check it out and do a little hiking. There is Kev at the start of the Cattail Pond Trail (click to enlarge). Before we started the hike, we talked to a bird man who told us that first Painted Buntings of the season had been seen on that trail that weekend. I was excited, as I haven't seen one before, and they are really pretty and colorful birds. But I didn't think we had a chance at all to spot one, because I don't know their habits or their song, and you guys know how my luck has been with owls. (I am still having the dreams, by the way). Anyway, as we were walking along, there at the top of a tree as if posing for us, was my first Painted Bunting in all its colorful glory. We actually spotted two of them. They were too far away to get a picture, but I will get one off the internet and put it on here so you can see how pretty they are.
Here's me at Cattail Pond. Betcha can't even tell I am 8 months pregnant!

Here is a cool butterfly that we saw. There were tons of butterflies and dragonflies on the trail.
Cactus Flower. So pretty.
So, if you are looking for something to do on a nice day, I recommend going to Cedar Ridge Preserve. You will have a nice hike and see some cool birds, and it is very peaceful and serene.

1 comment:

Julie said...

nope- all your baby is in the front!! you look great!