Monday, January 19, 2009


January 2009 128
Originally uploaded by Tara H.
It has been snowing off and on today, and it is just beautiful. So pretty, in fact, that I am considering waking Daphne up early from her nap to go play in it. The sun is out, and it is going to melt soon. And I really want to make a snow man.

Tonight, we are scheduled for Soup 4: Guinness Beef Stew. Perfect timing. I'll let you know how it turns out.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

That is an absolutely beautiful picture. You are a great photographer, Tara.

I loved the little snow man too!

In answer to who is paying for the inauguration activities, usually the government does, but this year, the Obama transition team took in donations to cover it. That is why I like this guy. Well one of the reasons. I sure hope his team lives up to the rest of my expectations.