Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Ketchup Declaration

( Ketchup Packets at Windy City Red Hots - Photo by Daphne)
I keep getting all mad about the whole ketchup thing at the hot dog place. This is not a good use of time and energy. So I am now going to make a declaration, dedicated to Windy City Red Hots, and then I am going to move on. Perhaps this is the beginning of my own Happiness Project.
Hi. My name is Tara. I like to put ketchup on my hot dogs. In fact, I like ketchup on cheeseburgers too. Sometimes, I dip my potato chips in it, and even a grilled cheese sandwich from time to time. I like my meat well done, but I like my egg yolks a little on the runny side. I won't eat food that has been near pickles. I don't like Dr. Pepper. I like spaghetti in my chili. Yes. It's true. I like to have cereal for dinner now and then. And sometimes on particularly rough days, after I put Daphne down for a nap, I will eat a spoonful of Nutella.
I don't like to touch chalk or play-doh. I don't like to walk barefoot outside. I wear socks in the house because I don't like for my feet to get dirty. I don't like the beach. Or the pool. I DO like watching the original Star Trek series. A lot. And American Idol. I have never seen Dancing with the Stars, Lost, or Glee. I love Mister Rogers. Sometimes I listen to Ratt and Kiss. I think Darryl Hall has a great singing voice, and I don't mind the soft sounds of the 70s. I have read and enjoyed every Harry Potter book. I have no interest in Las Vegas.
I feel awkward in social settings. I want people to like me. I fret a lot. I will never dye my hair. I accidentally kill every plant I get. I am afraid to fly on airplanes and ride on elevators. I don't like big crowds of people. I used to think that wolverines were small wolves, and I once mistook James Fenimore Cooper for a president.
That is just the way I roll. I shall not apologize. I am who I am. I will continue to eat at Windy City Red Hots, I will continue to order a hot dog with ketchup, and I will choose to ignore their alienating signs and merchandise. Thank you.


Heather Binkley said...

What happened with the ketchup?

I think you are wonderful and I'm not saying that because I think you need to be cheered up. I'm saying that because I think you should know it. You are you - through and through - even in your insecurities. I love how you love to cook and knit and garden. I love your fashion and your music. I just think you rock! I'm very much an extrovert and yet, I can feel very awkward in social situations. I'm especially afraid of being judged. I never told you before, but I would love to be one of your close friends. Ok. Now I'm just gushing and feeling awkward. I'm going to go with it and just end. I'm hoping that you're moderating comments and you can see what I wrote without feeling like you have to post it. But if not, that's ok. I stand by everything I'm saying. Sigh. See - and you thought you needed to make a declaration. Oh dear god! If I haven't driven you off with this little display of psychosis, then I don't know what will. I'm ending now.

Gye Greene said...


Feel free to send me all your excess Dr Pepper (unless K or D want it).

We weren't allowed to wear our socks around the house, because it would prematurely wear out our socks: we had to either go barefoot, or wear slippers.

Leonard Nimoy has a **great** voice.

Great blog entry! :)


Tara said...

Heather - Thank you! I am looking forward to getting to know you and your family better...making new friends here has been a real challenge for me, but I'm really trying! I feel like I am always so focused on Daphne that I never really get to really talk to the "other mommies." We need to plan a GNO soon! Thanks for the kind words. And by the way, I love my garden, but I don't love TO garden. I wish I did. I'm terrible at it and I kill everything. Kev does all the real work.

GG - Spock rules.