Monday, November 15, 2004

Train people

Today as I was riding the Dart Train, I realized how much I miss regularly riding the Dart Train. It is an interesting thing to do, and I recommend it if you have time on your hands. First of all, there are all kinds of people to watch. Most people sleep, but a few make better use of their time, like the lady today who tweezed hair after hair from her upper lip, or the man behind her who was rolling his own cigarettes. Also, you can learn stuff by reading the train marquee. Today I learned that HBO started with only 350 households in Wilkes-Barre, PA. And I learned that I can improve my life by attending DeVry. There is also good advice for you if you are pregnant, have diabetes, or have a torn earlobe in need of repair. In addition, if you are feeling blue and need a pick-me-up, there is the "Get Happy" advice of the day. Past examples I have seen are: "Don't just sit on your couch, go out and enjoy the sun," "Read a great book. It will put you in a good mood," "After it rains and there is a rainbow, everything is brighter," and "Write someone a nice letter. It will cheer them up, and put a smile on your face." One time, I was waiting for the train on a hot hot day, when a lady came up and told me to beware because there was witchcraft all around. "You've got it on your shoes," she said to me. Another time a lady sat by me who smelled like balogna. Once, when I got off the train, some police officers had rounded up and hand-cuffed a group of gangstas who were all wearing big character slippers (i.e. Homer Simpson, Spongebob). So, you see, you never know what adventures you might have on the Dart Train.

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