Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Wet Wednesday

Every day it rains and rains. Is this what it's like to live in Seattle? My hair cannot handle all the humidity, especially the silver ones which like to strike out on their own and call attention to themselves by distancing from the other hairs. There is one in the front that likes to stand up like a little antennae every day. I think I will name it "Marvin." Speaking of naming things, I have been receiving some good ideas for my sock monkey, so thanks to those who participated.
Saw an interesting "Frontline" about Wal-Mart last night. This country has problems.

Lazy Russian Horses Show Volunteer Reader Participation Activity courtesy of Carl Pope:
Immediate Action Needed: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Under Attack.The Bush Administration is pushing hard again to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil development. The Sierra Club is urging members and supporters to sign a petition to Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader-elect, urging him to rally opposition to the Bush Energy Plan and any proposal to allow development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

If that link doesn't work, try

Yesterday I got a letter from a congressman about landfills and it was really signed! So, some of them really do pay attention I think.

In spite of last night's defeat, I like what I'm seeing from the Mavericks. I wish Mark Cuban would be more behind-the-scenes though. He is a creepy guy.

Fun Fact: George Jones' nickname is Possom.

1 comment:

Robert_M said...

Amen sister! Cuban has ruined the Mavericks for me by acting the fool.

Thanks for the job support!

Sorry I couldn't think of any good monkey names that weren't obvious puns or silly innuendo.