Friday, September 30, 2005

Fear of the Day

I fear mold. Especially toxic mold. Kev reminded me about how the great FDR said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, but I think that if there was toxic mold growing in the Roosevelt home - which I have seen by the way (the home, not mold), it's lovely - then FDR would have packed up and moved in with the Vanderbilts down the road. He probably wouldn't have been too awfully excited about bird flu either. Anyway, just to be safe, I think I'll go get some new shower curtains this weekend.


K. said...

FDR led us through the Great Depression, WWII, and had polio. I'm pretty sure a fearless man such as he would have scoffed at mold.

Now, Howard Hughes on the other hand...there's a man who would have feared mold, West Nile Virus, avian flu, SARS, anthrax, Mad Cow disease, and killer bees from Mexico.


Don said...

Be glad you're not digging out from Katrina! See this:

Gye Greene said...

Have you tried running the shower curtains thru the washing machine? You can do that once or twice before they get shredded.

Maybe add just a dash of bleach...


Julie said...

I too hate mold but I am not afraid of it-