Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I Killed a Bird

There is a dead male purple grackle in my back yard, and I can't help but feel it is all my fault. I am the one who put all the food in the feeders, attracting birds to my Yard of Peril. I tried to shoo away the cat, but I failed, and the grackle, who was just minding his own business trying to enjoy a snack, became the cat's little toy. It would somehow be different if the cat actually ate the bird...needed it to survive. But this cat has a home and people who feed it, so there was no natural reason for the bird to have to die. Cats will be cats, I guess, but it still makes me sad.
At the moment, there are several birds outside at the front-yard feeders, including two red-wing blackbirds...the first I have seen in the neighborhood this year. Red wing blackbirds are very pretty and have a nice sound. I hope the cat stays home today.

It sure is gloomy, but the gloom will be worth it if it snows as predicted. It is also nice to have an opportunity to wear my new light-blue rain parka that Kev got me for Christmas. I can't remember the last time I needed my sunglasses, though. I don't know how people can stand it in places like Seattle, where it's like this most of the time.

I was going to go on a long rant about cell phones, but I'll save it for another time. I need coffee.


Robert_M said...

I beat myself up over a squirrel I ran over once, but the fact is there was nothing I could've done. Dang varmit jumped right in front of me.

Tara said...

I've done that twice. It's horrible.