Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall Down

Today on the way to music class, Daphne fell down. Hard. On the concrete. The audible thud of your baby's head hitting the sidewalk is one of the most sickening sounds you can hear. The thud was followed by the silent cry. Mouth wide open, but a long delay in any sound coming out. Then, the scream.

She is OK now. She has a big giant red bump in the middle of her forehead, and a scratch on her nose. Putting ice on it was completely out of the question. I tried everything.


But, she is fine. She had a blast at music, and a big snack afterward, and now she's playing in her crib. She'll be asleep soon. It seems it was way worse for me than for her. But after several phone calls and some helpful advice, I am starting to feel better.

I guess this is just the beginning.

I think I'd better go take a nap.


K. said...

Sounds like a repeat of the Arboretum incident.

Perhaps we should buy her a helmet.


Julie said...

Ouch- glad she is okay- you need to freeze some condiments like ketchup- G fell the other day and busted her lip and putting a frozen ketchup packet in her mouth was great! she chewed on it till it was thawed then i got another one- Bless her heart! I hate the falls. :(

Tara said...

This was worse. Wait until you see her poor little face.

A helmet and a leash.

Or a bubble.

Tara said...

We have a Mr. Happy gel-filled cold pack thing. She would have nothing to do with it.

Gye Greene said...


You're a really good writer. The "thud" paragraph was very evocative.

Yeah, they really don't like the ice packs, do they? I always figure that, o.k., so they get a lump or a bruise...

One of my biggest fears is to hear the dull thud, and get... no reaction.


Tara said...

Thanks GG! I am pretty sure I've heard Kev use the "audible thud" term, but the rest is me.

Yeah, a scream is definitely better than silence.