Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Little White House

This house is one that I lived in when I was a baby. We saw a for sale sign in the yard so I looked it up. It is now for sale for a mere $81,900. I cannot tell you how badly I want to buy this house. It is about a three minute drive from the Zesto.

1 comment:

Gye Greene said...

Just had a thought (it happens every so often...).

What are odds of you and your misc. rellies taking out third-mortgages, then renting it out? And D. could live there when she's an adult. (Yeah: managing a rental property, with all your copious free time.)

Just a thought.

But, I feel for ya: last year we had to sell of my paternal grandfather's house -- the one he built himself with his dad and his father-in-law. For the first time since about 1940, a non-family-member will be living there.

Pretty spiffy-looking house. :)
