Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Movie about Pants Blog.

Kev is funny. When I got home from Paris, I told him a list of all the things we did including watching "The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants." He raised one eyebrow. "What?," I asked. "Well, it has sisterhood in it, and I don't like that, but it has pants in it, and I am intrigued by that," he said. But when I told him it was about 4 teenage girls who come across some magial blue jeans that bring them closer together through their various adventures, he was right out. And that's OK, he would have hated it and made lots of sarcastic grumbly noises if he had watched it, like I do when he makes me watch the Matrix movies. It's not my usual kind of movie either, but it was pretty OK for what it was, and just fine for a slumber party with one's high school friends. I'd give it 2 1/2 penguins for being average. Kev stayed home and watched a very violent Bruce Willis Comic Book movie, and that was good because it means I didn't have to watch it.
Also in Paris, we watched Spanglish, which was more my speed. Three 1/2 penguins for that. Adam Sandler can be good when he stops being Mr. Annoying Man.

All this movie talk reminds me of this dude named Chris Arnold who used to have a bad show on the sports talk radio station and then he did some stuff for Mavericks TV which was also bad. Chris Arnold was famous for being a germophobe, so instead of shaking hands with people, he would present his fist to be tapped as if playing "one-potato, two-potato, etc." I am not very street, but I think this is called a "dap." I met Chris Arnold at my friend Gordon's wedding because they used to work together, so I did an experiment and stuck out my hand for him to shake, which he did without the slightest hint of repulsion. So either the germophobe rumors were exaggerated, or Chris Arnold made a b-line to the church bathroom to wash off my handshake immediately after. Chris Arnold is a bad broadcaster, but he may be on to something with the dapping. I am not a big fan of the handshake in these days of SARS and bird flu. So let's all bring back the dap. Mmm-hmm.


Gye Greene said...

So, you really wouldn't be into the Hollywood/Euro ''kiss on the cheek,'' then? ;)


whitneydonkey said...

there was a show on the cartoon network sunday night.

Its called Sunday Pants. I thought it would be great. Its a bunch of cartoon short stories. I did not like it at all.