Wednesday, October 05, 2005


WARNING: There will be swear words.

So I'm driving to work going north in the right lane on Central, when this JACK-ASS in a giant black SUV not only cuts me off, but then slams on his breaks so he can make the exit because he almost missed the exit since he was DIALING his damn CELL PHONE. I could see him dialing, holding the thing up in front of his face. I swear to God, I have had it with these people. I had nowhere to escape in either direction, so I had to slam on my breaks too and hope for the best. I got lucky this time. But because this asshole is so damn important that his call can't wait, he almost caused what could have been a pretty bad accident. Nothing pisses me off more than stupidity behind the wheel.

That is all. I am going to go do some deep breathing in my happy place before my 4:00 kid gets here.


john clarke said...

Nothing pisses me off more that drivers who can't be inconvienenced by their own mistakes so they decide to risk the lives of others to make an exit. Adding a cellphone just multiplies the asshole factor by five.

It's high time to pass a law making this sort of behavior a crime. The cops should pull these people over and give them a ticket. It's better than the alternative --- SUV cellphone guy causes the death of my friend Tara. Another possibility is angry driver with gun in his car goes Charles Bronson on the SUV cellphone guy.

Gye Greene said...

I've had similar experiences; makes ya want to arm the photon torpedoes...

Right now my wife and I just have one car between us. When I get ''my own'' car, I soooo want to install a P.A. horn under the hood, with a CB-style microphone inside the cabin. Also a ''sound effects'' button -- kinda like radio D.J.s have with ''applause'', etc. -- that triggers a recording of a police car siren. Would freak out a few worthy souls... ;)


The Hatleyman said...

Ok, if it's ever a dark blue PT Cruiser...I beg for forgiveness in advance from all of you...