Thursday, October 06, 2005

This Dog's Life

Well, my mom just called and told me that Albert went out and got himself skunked again last night. Dangit. Will he never learn? Then she lectured me about using curse words in a public forum. So I lectured her back about talking on her phone in the car. But that's another blog. Anyway, I am on my way over there to do some work, but if it seems like there's any chance I'm gonna catch the skunk smell, I'm getting outta there. Poor Albert.
I wonder why there are so many skunks in suburban Garland.


whitneydonkey said...

he's so handsome to be so stinky.
he looks alot like a shorter haired Snickers.

Tara said...

Shorter hair, but a similar face. And this time wasn't quite as stinky as last time.

Larry Feathers said...

Come to my living room and tell me it's not as stinky as last time.

Albert is depressed from all the stinking.

tschy said...

Maybe Albert needs a Doggie Extreme Makeover. For all I know there might already be a show about that on Animal Planet.

Tara said...

Poor Albert! He seemed OK yesterday. I still like him even if he stinks.

whitneydonkey said...

we all stink a little sometimes.