Saturday, April 02, 2005


The other day when we were hanging out in the back yard, I asked Kev if he ever thought it might be fun to have some bees and make our own honey to use at home or to give as Christmas gifts. He thought this was just another one of my wacky schemes. But I thought it would be fun, especially when you get to wear the bee suit, and when you get to put your very own home-made honey on your toast or in your tea. The problem is our small back yard though, so bee-keeping may not be the hobby for us. Now, if we had a nice big piece of property on say, Long Island, then maybe bee-keeping would be more practical. So, if you happen to live on Long Island and have some space in your yard, then maybe you should try bee-keeping, and make sure to let visitors from Texas, who have small yards with no room for bees, wear the bee suit and taste the honey!

By the way, bees are most attracted to the colors yellow, white, and blue. And a queen bee can live up to 6 or 7 years!


marty said...

OK... You have drawn me out from the shadows. I am a closet Tara blog reader. Do people from Texas ever visit Long Island? I have neither seen or heard of such a thing, perhaps it is because Long Islander's don't harness the wonderful power of the bee. I shall promptly write to the state tourism commision and suggest the implementation of immediate bee keeping for all Long Islanders to enhance state to state relations with Texas.

john clarke said...

You might want to check out your beekeeping intentions with the neighbors first. Aren't most beekeeping operations held in wide open and somewhat rural locations? Anyway, some people freak at the sight of a bee, even one that produces delicious honey. And should the fine folks who live next to you notice a mass of bees in your backyard, calamity could ensue. I'm just saying . . . .

Robert_M said...

I've got a couple bees you can have.