Wednesday, April 13, 2005


To set an example for the LRHS Challenge, I took the train to work today. It created lift for several reasons. First, it made me feel good about not driving my car and creating pollution. Also, I didn't have to deal with the stress of driving on Central through the high-five. Also, I got some exercise, as it is .8 miles from the train station to my office. Also, it is a beautiful day and not at all hot. When I got off the train, I went to the coffee shop for a sandwich. (By the way, if anyone is interested in a profitable venture, you should put a Smoothie Factory at the Dowtown Plano station.) Then I walked through a nice neighborhood, where there is a good house I like to look at, with a wrap-around porch and a swing and some rocking chairs (at 17th and Ave H.) Then I got to work and I wasn't stressed out from driving or sweaty from walking.
On the train, I found out via the scrolling ticker, that next Friday there will be an Earthfest downtown. (If you want info go to )The ticker also has Fun Facts. Today I learned that originally, all M-n-M's were brown, until 1960. I also learned that not drinking enough water can cause anxiety. I wish they would put me in charge of their Fun Facts. I reckon I could come up with some better ones.
Our train driver was cool, and announced each station with great gusto. He also had to scold a passenger who was standing in the doorway at a station, keeping it from closing. I remember once when Kev got scolded on the streetcar in New Orleans for putting his feet up on the seat.
There were not really any interesting passengers to talk about, like the lady who smelled like balogna, or the other lady who told me I had witchcraft in my shoes, or the cartoon slipper-wearing gang members, or the guy who kept shouting out YES! because he knew the answers to the trivia questions on the ticker. Maybe on the way home.


whitneydonkey said...

will the earthfest be like the KZEW beachparty at city hall?
will any bands like Van Hagar be there????????

Tara said...

There will be bands, food, and hybrid cars!